-Users that are 17 years old are considered Adult Users. (P&P page1)
A. Requirements
1. If 17 years of age or older, the adult borrower must provide a photo ID with his/her current address. Acceptable forms include:
- Driver’s license
- Picture ID from highway Patrol
- Employee ID card
- Student ID card
- Prison ID Printout
- Military ID
- Passport
-Users that are 16 must have a responsible party.
-A Group Home entry was added under Extra Info. (P&P page7)
B. Group Home Registration
Definition: Individuals residing in a group home are eligible for a limited access library card without requiring a responsible party.
1. If an individual requests a library card, allow them or their care provider to complete the Library Card Application Form.
2. Verify institution’s name and address.
Examples of forms of verification:
- business cards
- stationary
- copy of business license
- institutional check
- postmarked letter
3. Follow the general procedures for Adding a New Borrower and take a photo for the borrower’s account (required).
4. Limited access:
- Group home residents may only check out three items at a time.
- List the name of the Group Home by going into Extra Settings, Group Home.
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