Friday, October 28, 2016

Hold Slips

Please print a HOLD slip for each item that is on hold for a Patron.
I know that we have patrons that sometimes put a high volume of items on hold and it seems like a waste of paper/time to print each slip, however occasionally a patrons items will not be picked up on time (for various reasons) and the items will be deleted. When that happens, each deletion slip must be kept for at least one full month by Circ Staff. Many times patrons will come back in to place the items on hold again and if we can pull the deletion slips then we can better help them place the items back on hold.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Remotes for the Projectors

Remotes for the projectors (Stanback or Hurley) are at CIRC, and may be checked out for use by staff or public while using our meeting rooms. Remotes will need to be returned after the meeting so they can be checked in. Customers will need a library card to check out remotes or they can sign up for one.
The projector for the Hurley is kept in TECH on a cart; a new projector screen will be available for use in the Hurley room as soon as it is delivered.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Any Materials Requests/ILL Requests must go to the Selectors before we charge the patron the $5.00 ILL processing fee.
The selector must first approve the material and/or see if the material is available for Loan from another Lending Facility before the $5.00 fee is charged.
Also, please do not place any comments in the Borrower Info ->Extra Info-> ILL/Requests section on the patron’s account. That section is for the Selectors only.
Thanks! Brooke

Lost Materials

When a patron returns a previously Lost item and has their receipt:
1.    Check in the item
2.    KEEP the charges
3.    Fill out the white refund slip
When a Lost item is returned in the book drop:
1.    Check in the item
2.    ACCEPT the charges
3.    Click on the Patron’s account
4.    Find the item in their Unpaid Charges
5.    Waive the charges and put the receipt in the cash drawer as usual

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Snags Procedure for Damaged Items

Damaged Items Snags Procedure 
B.     Damaged Items (Snags)
1.      When an item is returned with damaged or missing material:
-          Attempt to locate borrower in library.
-          Renew the item if necessary. 
-          If the borrower cannot be found, go to Borrower Info and enter “SNAGS, branch, date, your initials, and the barcode of the missing item” in the Comments field.
2.      Complete the SNAGS slip (Appendix G) for the item.  Initial each step.  Place item with slip on the SNAGS shelf.
3.      Contact the borrower by phone to inform them they must return the missing item within 7 days to avoid charges for the missing part, or that the returned item was damaged beyond its ability to circulate.
4.      Item must be held on the SNAGS shelf for 1 week if personal contact is made or a message is left.
5.      If the borrower pays for the missing item, add the fee for the cost of the material as Damaged and include a description of what was missing in the Comment field below.  Process payment according to procedures under Section II. Check Out, G. Damaged Items.
6.      Check in the item with a Special Status of Repair: Tech SVCS and forward as necessary.
7.      If there has been no contact response after 7 days:
-          Damages/Missing letter (Appendix G) will be sent and charged added to borrower’s account. 
-          Update SNAGS slip information
-          Hold item on SNAGS shelf for 30 days after the letter is sent or until the issue has been resolved.
8.      If the item is returned after charges have been added, Waive charges, delete comment under Borrower Info, check item in, and return the item to the shelf.
9.      If the item is returned within 7 days of the date on the slip, delete the comment from the borrower’s account, check item in, return item to the shelf and shred the SNAGS slip.
10.  If there has been no response after 30 days:
-          If it is a single item, go to the borrower’s account and change the status of the item to Lost.  This will automatically add cost of material to borrower’s account.
-          If the item is part of larger set, check in the item with Special Status of Repair: Tech SVCS and send the item to Tech Services.
-          Go into the borrower’s account  and add a fee as Damaged, including the title, barcode, and description of what was missing in the Comments field.  Charge according to chart below:
Paper Cover
-          Verify charges have been added to the borrower’s account. 
-          Remove the SNAGS comment from the borrower’s record. 
-          Hold the damaged item until the fee is paid, at which point the borrower receives the damaged item to keep.
-          Larger sets or damaged sets will be sent to Tech Services with appropriate Tech Services slip (Appendix F).
Note the date the item was sent and initial the SNAGS slip.  Put the SNAGS slip in the SNAGS folder. 
(P&P Manual p34)

Damaged Returns

Damaged Returns
Books that are turned in damaged must be checked in Special Status: Damaged Charged. This will throw a D Charge onto the patron’s account. We should not be checking the item in and then charging them for a Lost Item with a damaged comment.
A.    Special Status Option
1.      Select Special Status if you need to check in an item that has been lost, damaged, or otherwise cannot be located.
2.      Scan the item in need of Special Status.  You will be prompted to select the reason for the special status from the drop-down list.
Special Status
Repair: Tech Svcs
Item needs a new barcode, cover, or RFID tag; DVD won’t play
Missing: Staff Action
Cannot locate material that shows Available in catalog or on hold shelf
Damaged, Charged
Chewed, stained, wet, moldy, or torn items.  Only charge patrons when the item is damaged due to neglect or accident and can no longer circulate.  See Section II. Check Out, G. Pay Fines & Fees.
Lost: Staff Action
This is used until paperwork has been processed.
Item needs staff attention before returning to circulation.  This attention may include needing to spend time in cat litter, erasing pencil marks, drying slightly damp pages or cover.  Borrowers will not be charged for material.  Use the Damaged stamp in the material near the RFID tag and date.  Once damage has been addressed check in material in regular status.
(P&P Manual p32)

Friends Membership Payment by Credit/Debit Card

Friends Membership Payment by Credit/Debit Card
1.    Have the Patron Complete the Info on the White Envelope.
2.    Under the Patron Account Select the Friends Membership Charge.
3.    Enter the Amount/Select Card type as usual.
4.    Credit Card Slip 1 goes to the Patron. Slip 2 goes in the drawer as usual.
5.    Print out the LS2 receipt and make a copy of it.
6.    Give the Patron the original LS2 receipt. Place the copy in the White Envelope for Cyndii.
*If purchaser does not have a library card, they can still purchase a Friends membership. 
*Use the Headquarters Account to charge for the Membership.
*Be sure to write their name on the Copy of the LS2 receipt before placing it in the application envelope for Cyndii.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Headphones and Flash Drives

Subject: FW: Flash Drives
In the past we have had patrons come up and ask if they could borrow a flash drive or headphones/earbuds from Lost&Found.
We can not longer let them borrow those items. BT
Effective immediately, RPL will no longer loan out flash drives. 
Patrons needing a flash drive may use their own or purchase one for $10.  Patrons are not to be given a flash drive to use on their own.  Edward has made flash drives available for staff use only at Information Desks.  These may be used by Reference Librarians and Computer Lab staff directly assisting patrons.  These flash drives are not to be loaned out to patrons, nor can patrons leave money, keys, photo IDs or credit cards in exchange for their use.
·         We cannot guarantee that flash drive contents are deleted after each use and thus we put patron’s personal information at risk.
·         This matches our current headphone policy.  We do not loan out headphones due to health department regulations. If patrons need one, they must purchase one.
·         This matches our CD/DVD policy. We do not loan out blank CD/DVDs.  If patrons need one, they must purchase one.
Will the price of the flash drives we sell go down?  No. 
The Management Team has reviewed pricing in detail.  The $10 price includes our costs to make them available and the convenience factor of being able to purchase one in a library when needed.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Library Card Applications, Notifications for Hold Items, Friends Membership, etc.

Library Card Applications
-If a patron writes their email address down on the app, please make sure they mark whether they would like to receive text/email messages or reminders, and if they would like to receive the RPL newsletter. Some applications are being turned in with no check mark. Let’s follow up on this before we let the patron walk away from the Circ Desk.
Notifications for Hold Items
-When patrons come to pick up their holds, take a moment to ask them if they would like to switch to email or text notifications which may alert them more quickly than a phone call.
Friends Membership Payable by Credit/Debit Card
-Edward has added a Friends Membership to the dropdown charges menu. If a patron would like to pay for their membership by credit/debit, please write their Patron ID # on the white envelope for Cyndii to confirm.
-Treat the receipt just like you would any other Credit/Debit transaction.
Remotes for Meeting Rooms
-We now have a projector for the Hurley Rm. Patrons using the projector for either room must come to the Circ desk to check out the remote. They are on a designated shelf, each in its own case. Each remote has a barcode/RFID and is checked out for one day only.
Credit/Debit Phone Orders
- Paying for Lost Items over the Phone
1.       Phone Orders
-         Select Phone Order (F3).
-          Enter the Account #, then green button to proceed.
-          Enter the Exp. Date (MMYY), then green button to proceed.
-          Enter Amount (minimum of $2.00), then green button to proceed.
-          Enter the V-Code (3-digit security code printed on the back of the card).
-          You will be prompted to enter the customer’s address PLEASE VERIFY THEIR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESS.
-          You will be prompted to enter the customer’s Zip Code.
-          A receipt will print with Phone Order at the top. THIS COPY GOES IN THE CASH DRAWER AS USUAL.
-          You will be prompted to print a duplicate receipt.  Select Yes (F1) AND ATTACH TO THE STAMPED ITEMIZED RECIEPT, PLACE IN ENVELOPE AND MAIL TO THE PATRON.
Voting Season
-Please add the Board of Elections website to your favorites/desktop so that you can quickly help answer those questions that are inevitably coming soon to a Info Desk near you.
-BOE phone ext: 8140
Children’s DVD spine labels are changing. No more Call Numbers. If you find a spine without a call number, do not send it to Tech.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Patron Addresses:
-          Enter all address information on the same line. Example: 8420 Theodore Ave AptA2
-          Do not list Apartment numbers on the second line
-          Use abbreviations for Street = St, Drive = Dr, Circle = Cir, Court = Ct, etc.
Entering the information on one line and abbreviating will help when we print Overdue Notices and Billing Notices.
-          If a borrower wishes to receive notification by text, staff must select the borrower’s mobile carrier from the drop-down menu under Borrower Info.
-          If the borrower wishes to receive notifications by text only, (no phone call) move their Primary Phone number to the Secondary Phone field under Borrower Info.
-          In the Primary Phone field, enter TEXT ONLY.  This will print on the Arrived Hold slip.
(Policy & Procedures Manual page 50)

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Some thoughts from “Living in the Library World” A Library Blog




In a busy library, shelving and shelf work is a never-ending and seemingly, thankless task.

The arrangement of books in the library makes them accessible and usable by library patrons.

If materials are misplaced or never re-shelved, locating information can be impossible.


Many libraries fail to realize the importance of shelf work!

The quality, speed, and efficiency with which shelving is carried out will affect how patrons view the library and its services.

Backlogs of un-shelved materials cause delays in service because patrons must wait for the un-shelved items to be located.

Misshelfed or “out of place” materials can not only slow down service, but also cause needless Missing Tags for items.


Shelving and shelf work is critical to the efficiency and effectiveness of any library!



Reimbursement for Lost Materials

Reimbursement for Lost Materials

Pam has sent back blue slips this week that were not filled out correctly.
If you have the patron fill out the Name and Address portion, please look over them to make sure everything is filled in, including City/State/Zipcode.
Edward asked that we make sure we are listing which collection the items belong to i.e. Fic, Audiobook, Juv, etc
Working Circulation is a very detailed job, a job which you all do very well.
Thank you for giving your best to get each aspect of the job correct!

New Books

When New Books come in from Tech:
YA and Childrens Departments would like to see their new books before they go on the shelf for patron circulation.
NonFiction/Audio do not need to be previewed.
LP does not need to be previewed.
When weeding the New Book Sections:
NonFic -if you notice a section of the New Non Fic is going to look bare (example: 100s shelf will have big gaps) wait to pull those books, tell Paul. This will help him to know which sections he needs to order for.
YA –New YA books should be all in the First Section together, please don’t forget to weed new books in this section.

Requirements for New Library Cards

-Users that are 17 years old are considered Adult Users. (P&P page1)
A.      Requirements
1.       If 17 years of age or older, the adult borrower must provide a photo ID with his/her current address.  Acceptable forms include:
-          Driver’s license
-          Picture ID from highway Patrol
-          Employee ID card
-          Student ID card
-          Prison ID Printout
-          Military ID
-          Passport
-Users that are 16 must have a responsible party.
-A Group Home entry was added under Extra Info. (P&P page7)
B.      Group Home Registration
Definition:  Individuals residing in a group home are eligible for a limited access library card without requiring a responsible party. 
1.       If an individual requests a library card, allow them or their care provider to complete the Library Card Application Form. 
2.       Verify institution’s name and address.
Examples of forms of verification:
-          business cards
-          stationary
-          copy of business license
-          institutional check
-          postmarked letter
3.       Follow the general procedures for Adding a New Borrower and take a photo for the borrower’s account (required). 
4.       Limited access: 
-          Group home residents may only check out three items at a time.
-          Residents will be allowed to use computer labs based on their date of birth.
-          List the name of the Group Home by going into Extra Settings, Group Home.