Thursday, December 15, 2016

Friends Cafe

Friends’ Café pricing was reviewed at the Friend’s Monday night meeting.
All beverages still cost $1.00.  
Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Water are sold in 16 oz. bottles and will still be $1.00
 We no longer offer lemonade.
Coffee, Tea & Hot Chocolate are sold in 12 oz. insulated cups and cost $1.00 This price includes two (2) creamers.
Patrons who want more than the 2 creamers included in the $1 beverage price must pay for the extra creamers.  1 creamer also costs .25 cents.  Staff should hand patrons the creamers and not leave the bowl where patrons can take as many as they want without paying.
Empty Cup (with or without a lid) costs .25 cents

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