Thursday, December 15, 2016

Checks and Credit/Debit Cards
RPL does not accept checks or credit cards for less than $2.00
Text/Email Notifications
Text notifications for arrived holds do not go out to the patron the moment the item is received at HQ.
Texts are scheduled to be sent twice a day.
Because of this we may have patrons who come in and check out their HOLDS before they receive the text.
Then when the text comes through they think they have other items available.
*IF you have any patrons who come in saying they have received a text or email in error, please give them my card so that they can forward the text/email to me so that we can better determine if this is indeed what is happening.
LP Paperbacks
FYI: Some of the newest LP items that Abby has been able to order are only available in paperback form. So you may see some paperbacks with LP on the spine. This is not a mistake. These are indeed LP items.

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