Thursday, December 29, 2016

Rowan One Card

Rowan One Card students should only check out three items on their cards.
Technically the system will allow four check outs, but it does that so that they can safely check out three and still use their card for online books/classes, etc.
If we allow them to check out four items, then when they try to use their card at school for Overdrive/online tools, their card will be blocked.
So please observe the three item check out limit for Rowan One Card users.

Thursday, December 22, 2016


OverDrive recently upgraded more of our services to HTTPS as part of our continued commitment to security and privacy. While this process was seamless and invisible to the vast majority of users, it resulted in compatibility issues for some older devices and software versions. We apologize for the inconvenience, and have provided solutions and alternatives below (wherever possible).

Sony Reader WiFi
Sony Reader WiFi devices no longer allow users to download eBooks directly on the device. Users can still download library eBooks to the Sony Reader software on their computer, then transfer eBooks from their computer to their Sony Reader.

NOOK GlowLight Plus
Users cannot currently open library eBooks that they've transferred to the NOOK GlowLight Plus. Barnes & Noble is aware of this problem and working on a fix, which should be released in a future device software update.

Adobe Digital Editions (ADE)
Some users have had problems downloading eBooks using Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) 2.0 or below. As a solution, we recommend always using the latest version of ADE (currently version 4.5). Some Windows XP users have continued to experience issues after upgrading ADE, so they may still have difficulty downloading library eBooks. Microsoft discontinued support for XP in 2014, and unfortunately there is no solution for these users at this time.

Libby Overdrive App

Libby Overdrive App is debuting this month.
You should check it out and become familiar in case a patron comes in and needs your help.
Overdrive does offer Tech Support now directly to users/patrons if they have issues with the app we can not solve for them; however we should be prepared to answer if needed.
Name Tags should be worn by all staff anytime you are on the floor, visible to patrons, etc.

Security Notes on a patron account should NEVER be deleted, even if the date of the banning has passed. Security Notes also should never be placed under the Extra Notes on the account. The Security Officer and The Library Services Manager are the only ones will authority to remove a security note.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Points of View Database in NC Live

ASVAB, SAT, GRE, GED, resumes, cover letters
pro/con essay, immigration, global warming
SimplyMap, business & marketing data
classroom resources, journals, ERIC
local government/business info, NCpedia, jobs
HeritageQuest, Sanborn Maps,  local history
encyclopedias, magazines, test prep, writing help

Meeting Rooms at Headquarters

From Cyndii: If patrons ask about mtg room size/occupancy:
Stanback – tables facing forward, approximately 50, without tables 120
Hurley – tables, facing forward or in a square about 24, or just chairs about 40 comfortably with a center aisle and 4 chairs on each side.

Chilton Training Tutorials

Free Chilton Training Tutorials
  Access Training Tutorials from Chilton Library

Libby App from Overdrive

The new Libby App from Overdrive
Meet Libby. Discover ebooks and audiobooks from your local library. Brought to you by OverDrive Labs.

Did you know your local library has thousands of ebooks and audiobooks? You can borrow them, instantly, for free,

Apple App Store

Google Play

How do I use Libby?

Beta App Preview  

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Friends Cafe

Friends’ Café pricing was reviewed at the Friend’s Monday night meeting.
All beverages still cost $1.00.  
Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Water are sold in 16 oz. bottles and will still be $1.00
 We no longer offer lemonade.
Coffee, Tea & Hot Chocolate are sold in 12 oz. insulated cups and cost $1.00 This price includes two (2) creamers.
Patrons who want more than the 2 creamers included in the $1 beverage price must pay for the extra creamers.  1 creamer also costs .25 cents.  Staff should hand patrons the creamers and not leave the bowl where patrons can take as many as they want without paying.
Empty Cup (with or without a lid) costs .25 cents

Bookdrops @ HQ

Friday in Review – Bookdrops
Monday –Friday Closings = Silver Bookdrops (Check behind and underneath for items)
Saturday Closings = Front Bookdrop = Basket
                              = Back Bookdrop = Padding
Holiday Closings = Both Bookdrops get Padding
I know that sometimes the Security Personnel helps with placing the bookdrops on Saturday, but this duty actually falls under the Circulation/Page responsibilities so lets make sure that this procedure is carried out properly.
Thanks Team! Brooke
Checks and Credit/Debit Cards
RPL does not accept checks or credit cards for less than $2.00
Text/Email Notifications
Text notifications for arrived holds do not go out to the patron the moment the item is received at HQ.
Texts are scheduled to be sent twice a day.
Because of this we may have patrons who come in and check out their HOLDS before they receive the text.
Then when the text comes through they think they have other items available.
*IF you have any patrons who come in saying they have received a text or email in error, please give them my card so that they can forward the text/email to me so that we can better determine if this is indeed what is happening.
LP Paperbacks
FYI: Some of the newest LP items that Abby has been able to order are only available in paperback form. So you may see some paperbacks with LP on the spine. This is not a mistake. These are indeed LP items.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Staff Development/Circulation Meeting

Thank you all for your attendance at our Staff Development Circ Mtg.
Here are the questions that I received and the answers to them.
Please forward to all Circ Staff at each location.
If you have any other questions please email. 
Thanks! Brooke
Staff Development 12/09/16  Circulation Meeting
Rowan One Card
-Please do not delete or make ID number changes to the Rowan One Cards. New students were added to our system just this past Thursday. The ROC’s primary function is for student/teacher usage. For now, If a student comes in and wants a physical card, treat them as a new patron and have them fill out an application. Please do not make any changes to their pin numbers. These pin numbers were set up for easy retrieval for teachers/students.
-More info about checking out on ROC will follow.
Text/Email Receipts and Notices
-How do we know if a patron receives a text or email?
Edward receives a “bounce back” text/email if a patron’s info is incorrect. This is forwarded to Brooke who calls and confirms or leaves a comment on the patron account. *Make sure when updating TEXT or EMAIL only that you go under settings and make changes as well.
-Changes are coming to the Holds Slip. Edward is adding a field that will print based on the patron’s notification settings i.e. text, email, or telephone.
The phone number would automatically print on the slip, but a new field would also print showing which communication the patron prefers.
Contacting Patrons RE: Holds
-If a patron already has an item on the shelf and then another item comes in, should we call them again?
If the items they have on hold are for a previous day, then yes please call them. If you have already called them once that day and other items come in for that same day, then no you do not have to call them a second time.
Damaged Items
-How do we know what to charge for a damaged book? Is it always a total loss or can we break down the damage?

Can the item still be circulated? If yes, then do not charge a damage fee. If no, then follow the SNAGS damaged process and send a damage letter to the patron.
*If the damaged item is from another location, but was returned to your location, you should send the damage letter not the owning location and then send the item to Tech if applicable.
Reference Questions
-What constitutes a reference question? And can some reference questions be marked in two categories? Example: Jobs and Tech?
Definition of a reference question as determined by the NC State Library Statistical Report:
      A reference transaction is an information contact which involved the knowledge, use, recommendations, interpretation, or instruction in the use of one or more information sources by a member of the library staff.  It includes information and referral services.  Information sources include print and non-print materials or records, and through communication or referral, other libraries and institutions and people inside and outside the library.  The request may come in person or by any other means by a person of any age.  Do not count directional transactions or questions of rules or policies.
What is not a reference question:
    Messages (to pull hold requests)
    Renewal of items checked out
    Checking items in/out
    Creating guest passes
    Looking up library card numbers
    Directional assistance (where are the biographies, bathroom, etc)
Some questions can count in two categories.