What do we do if items have been on the SNAGS shelf for more than 30 days?
1. If there has been no response after 30 days:
- If
it is a single item, go to the borrower’s account and change the status
of the item to Lost. This will automatically add cost of material to
borrower’s account.
- If the item is part of larger set, check in the item with
Special Status of Repair: Tech SVCS and send the item to Tech Services.
- Go into the borrower’s account and add a fee as
Damaged, including the title, barcode, and description of what was missing in the Comments field. Charge according to chart below:
Paper Cover
- Verify charges have been added to the borrower’s account.
- Remove the SNAGS comment from the borrower’s record.
- Hold the damaged item until the fee is paid, at which point the borrower receives the damaged item to keep.
- Larger sets or damaged sets will be sent to Tech Services with appropriate Tech Services slip (Appendix F).
- Note the date the item was sent and initial the SNAGS slip. Put the SNAGS slip in the SNAGS folder.
- Snags slips may be shredded 6 months from the day items are sent to Tech. Services.