When you add an item to the Lost/Found drawer, please attach a note onto the item with the date on it.
Large items or clothing should be taken to the sorting room and placed in the crate under the table.
If you know that an item belongs to a specific patron, please attach a note onto the item with the date and patron acct number.
You should also leave a comment on the patron’s acct so that we can return the items to them.
Items with a name on them should be kept in the front of the drawer for easy accessibility.
When you clean out the drawer, please remember to remove any comments from a patron’s account regarding Lost/Found items.
Also, please do not let patrons borrow items from the lost and found drawer i.e. glasses, earbuds, flash drives, etc.
These items belong to someone and we should not be loaning them out to other patrons.
Questions or Comments?
See Brooke