Friday, February 17, 2017

Improper Check-outs
Please be mindful of hitting the ESC button after checking out items to a patron or before you start to check in items from a book drop.
We have had several patrons lately contact us saying that items are checked out to their account that they did not physically check out from the library. A short search has resulted in finding each of the items on the shelf.
Accidentally checking out items on a patron’s card is easy to do if you have not cleared the screen from the previous transaction. Use the ESC button as your “easy button” to ensure that these miscellaneous check-outs don’t occur.
N/C Patrons
When editing a patron account to make them N/C, please copy the phone number up to the Primary Phone Number field.
N/C does not mean that we do not need a phone number. We still need a number so that we may contact them if a problem occurs.
Some patrons do not have a phone number or do not wish to provide a phone number. Please reassure patrons that we do not give out private information. All information collected through the library card applications are for library use only.
Inter Library Loan Check-In Procedure
When anyone from the History Rm staff brings down a group of books that are back from ILL, they must be added to the First/Second check carts.
Recently some items were brought down, and then added to a ‘Done’ cart and never checked in. Fortunately the History Rm staff was able to track down the items and check them in properly.
The RPL Circulation procedure is that all items from ILL or Outreach must be checked in a second time through the circulation desk to ensure that all items are checked in properly.

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