Monday, December 23, 2013

Reference Staff: Make Two-Sided Copies

Reference Staff: make two-sided copies

Please click on this link to learn how to make two-sided copies with our copier machine.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Patrons Scanning Documents

To Headquarters staff:
When patrons need to scan documents, please advise them that the most efficient option is to go to the
History Room and use the book scanner and save the scans to a flash drive. If the patron does not have a flash drive, the staff at the information desk will be glad to loan one to them. This allows them to scan quickly; the scanners in the research rooms usually freeze when one is trying to scan more than one page.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Kids Book Series

I have placed a link on our desktop that gives children's book series by author and by title. It is called the Kids Book Series website and it may help us find series easier for our patrons. LV

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Friends Book Bag Prices

Friends Book Bag Prices:

Tan: $10
Blue: $7
Purple: $5

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Torn Money not Accepted

Please remember that if a patron hands you a torn bill – DO NOT ACCEPT IT! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Employment Services and Resources

The Employment Service (ES) Offices under the direction of the Division of Workforce Solutions, offer services and resources that can help people who seek employment. Listed below are some of the services and resources available at an ES/JobLink Office:

Career Resource Center
Reemployment Services
Veterans Services
Community Reource Assistance Guide
Training Programs
Work Opportunity Tax Credit
Former Offender Services
Federal Bonding

Friday, August 30, 2013

Patrons' Fines

If patrons have fines on their account, please let them know about the fines, even if it's below $2. This is so they are aware of their balance, and won't ask why they weren't told when they previously checked out.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Literacy Hand-Outs and Information

We now have a folder with Literacy information, located in the file below the Donation Shelf. We have flyers in both English and Spanish along with business cards containing contact information.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

E-Mail Updates

If you'd like to receive e-mail updates when something new is posted to the RPL Circulation Staff blog, enter your e-mail address in the box in the top right corner of your screen (above "Search This Blog").  You will have to sign up for the "Staff News", "Reference Staff", and "Children's Staff" blogs separately if you want to receive updates for them.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

No Tape on Tech Slips

Please do not tape Tech slips to the items sent to Tech Services. The tape does not always come off or may tear the cover. Please use a good rubber band. If the slip does not stay on securely, it can be tucked inside the cover of a DVD or CD. One end can also be tucked between the pages of a book then wrapped around so the slip clearly shows and a rubber band put around the book to keep any loose pages in and keep the slip attached.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Where Is It?

When sending any item to Tech for repair it must be changed  in LS2 Staff using "Special Status" on the "Check-In" screen. If an item shows as "Checked In" or "In Transit" when it is really in Tech Services, this is very confusing to the patrons or to other staff members who may be searching for that item.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Books Returned in Error

Genia maintains a list of books that have been returned in error on Commons in the "BookErrors." Thanks to Laura for finding this info!

Cleaning the Lost and Found Drawer

Please remember to check the patrons' accounts and delete messages, while cleaning out the lost and found drawer, so we aren't looking for the items at a later date. Thanks.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Replacing Library Cards

If patron’s key card is worn and will not scan, please replace it for free.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Stinky Stuff

From Gretchen --

Any materials coming in that have accumulated an unpleasant smell – smoke, pet odor, etc. can be checked out to Gretchen's program card or to Tech Services and sent to Gretchen to be placed in the “de-smelling” chamber.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Shelving Materials

When shelving materials go by the author and then title. If the title has a "The" or an "A" at the beginning of it, shelve it by the next word. Skip "The" and "A" in the title.

Children's Library Cards

In order for a parent to a get a NEW or a REPLACEMENT card for their child,
the child MUST be present.

Hold Shelf Transfer Procedure

If there is an item on the hold shelf for a patron
but they would like to pick it up at another location,
you should,
#1 Check the item out to yourself and choose the pop-up option to CHECK OUT & LEAVE REQUEST.             
#2 Go into the patron's account and change the Pick-Up location to their choice.
#3 Check in the item and you should get the message to send it to the selected branch.
#4 Place the item on the correct shelf.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

ILL Renewal Procedures

ILL (inter-library loan) items should not be renewed in the circulation system, and requests for/or inquiries about renewals should be referred to the Information Desk at HQ and handled at circulation at the branches.

Please do not send calls about renewals to the History Room, instead send requests to the Information Desk at HQ.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Bulletin Board Postings

Please tell patrons that want to post an item on the bulletin board, if it does not have a date of the program on the item, the item will stay up for one month.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Snags - Returning Items Without a Case or Missing Items

If a patron brings in a CD or DVD that is missing a case or is part of a CD set, please do not check out the individual items to SNAGS to be placed on the Snag shelf. Simply Re-Checkout the item to the patron's account so it is with the patron while they look for the missing case and/or the rest of the set.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Hold Slips

Please make sure that the correct hold slip is rubber banded to the correct item. This can get very confusing if we do not do this immediately!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Stories To Go Items

Do not renew Stories To Go books! No fine is charged to the patron for overdue Stories To Go items, but they do receive a hand written notice for the cost of the items from the Book Mobile.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Volunteer Application Forms

A folder has been created for Volunteer Application Forms and copies placed inside a folder in the information folder section on the shelves behind the circulation desk.

Withdrawn Books

Withdrawn (soft cover) trade books should be boxed together with the regular hard cover fiction. Do not box them with the normal paperbacks.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

New Fiction and Stickers

Please be careful when shelving new fiction. The new fiction books that have stickers on the spine (mystery, romance, etc.) go in their own categories/shelving area - separate from regular new fiction. We've been having books that are shelved by author in the correct order but they are in the wrong spot because of the stickers. Thanks.

Patron Registration Forms

All filled out patron registration forms go in the black box for Genia to look over. Please still do a double check after a new registration form is completed. PLEASE put in the computer the complete information that a patron gives us - e-mail and phone number, etc. Thanks.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Volunteer Applications:

If a patron wants to volunteer at the library and is at least 16 years old, please have them fill out a volunteer application and background check. Send completed forms to Erika with any notes regarding what they are looking to do, if you feel they would be a good volunteer, etc. All volunteer applications have to be approved by the county before we can set up volunteer times.

Applications can be found on commons - N:\Volunteer\volunteer with background check.pdf

Saturday, March 9, 2013

5:05 p.m.

Please remember that our work day does not end until 5:05 p.m. - five minutes after we close. Everyone should be helping the last patron and not standing on the outside of the circulation desk looking at one staff member finishing up. Let's work together to get the last patron checked out.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

E-mail Validation Pop Up

If the e-mail validation text pops up on a patron's account, please verify e-mail, ask if they would like to add their e-mail, or change the notifications back over to paper if they do not want to give their e-mail. Thanks.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Notifying Patrons by E-mail

Please check all boxes for e-mail notices when a patron provides their e-mail on their library card registration. We need to inform patrons that they will be notified by e-mail concerning library materials.  We are not going to make it an option to receive or not receive e-mail notices.

Please inform patrons of owed fines

Please inform patrons when they have fines, even if they are still able to check out and it is only 20 cents. Thanks.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Citrix Login/Log off

The citrix login is the same for the username and password.
Citrix needs to be logged off at the end each day. Click Start and Log off.

Watch Your Screen: Read the Messages

Please be careful of the messages that pop up on the screen during your transactions. This includes all messages that you may see on patrons' accounts, missing materials, hidden materials, check in status to where the books go, rentals, renewals, etc. Do not check out materials without verifying you have the correct person.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Patrons holds and overdue fines

When a patron has a hold and their overdue fine is too high that they are unable to check out, do not hold the book for them longer than the normal hold-to-date just so they can read it in the library. We can put the book on the regular shelf for them to pick up and read but we can't have it staying on our hold shelf.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Card Registrations and E-mail

When a patron gives us their e-mail on the registration card, please put it in the system and change all the notifications to e-mail. Thank you.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Patrons' new cards and e-mail notification

When a new card is added to the system and an e-mail is provided, please remember to change all notification to e-mail. Please go in and activate all e-mail status under View/Edit Address, click on the Notifications tab, check all boxes, and then save the change. Thanks.

Please verify e-mails on the library card registrations so they are correct when entered into the system. Thanks.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Hold Shelf Order

Please put patrons holds in order by last name. We have been finding some holds not in the correct order and it makes it difficult to find them.

MCC goes by MACC which goes before McDonald.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Phone Number Wrong

If a phone number is wrong on the patron's account, please send out a yellow postcard so we contact them. Take the phone number out of the phone number area and put it in the comment area so we may verify the information.