How to handle requests from teens for headphones to use on the MAC computers in the teen space:
Headphones for the children's room computers are NOT to leave the Children's Room. (These are the ones with the bright animals on them).
When a teen comes to Children's and asks if they can have a set of headphones to use
1) Tell them they may purchase a pair for $3 at the second floor reference desk. a. After they have purchased a pair they have the option of having us store them in a Ziploc bag in the Children's Room office. We will put their name on the bag and they can request it from us. If teens wanted to go in together to buy a pair we would put all their names on the bag. This way they do not have to keep track of them or carry them around etc. And of course, if they want to just keep them they are theirs to do with as they wish. We do NOT store headphones that teens have purchased elsewhere.
2) There is a pair of earbuds that can be given to teens to borrow if they are not able to purchase their own. a. Teen must have a library card with their photo in the system in order to borrow them and in compliance with fines etc. b. If they do not return them, they lose the privilege of borrowing earbuds from Children's. c. Staff will need to keep a list of the teens that have lost this privilege so other staff members are kept informed.