Friday, June 21, 2013

Where Is It?

When sending any item to Tech for repair it must be changed  in LS2 Staff using "Special Status" on the "Check-In" screen. If an item shows as "Checked In" or "In Transit" when it is really in Tech Services, this is very confusing to the patrons or to other staff members who may be searching for that item.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Books Returned in Error

Genia maintains a list of books that have been returned in error on Commons in the "BookErrors." Thanks to Laura for finding this info!

Cleaning the Lost and Found Drawer

Please remember to check the patrons' accounts and delete messages, while cleaning out the lost and found drawer, so we aren't looking for the items at a later date. Thanks.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Replacing Library Cards

If patron’s key card is worn and will not scan, please replace it for free.