Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Citrix Login/Log off

The citrix login is the same for the username and password.
Citrix needs to be logged off at the end each day. Click Start and Log off.

Watch Your Screen: Read the Messages

Please be careful of the messages that pop up on the screen during your transactions. This includes all messages that you may see on patrons' accounts, missing materials, hidden materials, check in status to where the books go, rentals, renewals, etc. Do not check out materials without verifying you have the correct person.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Patrons holds and overdue fines

When a patron has a hold and their overdue fine is too high that they are unable to check out, do not hold the book for them longer than the normal hold-to-date just so they can read it in the library. We can put the book on the regular shelf for them to pick up and read but we can't have it staying on our hold shelf.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Card Registrations and E-mail

When a patron gives us their e-mail on the registration card, please put it in the system and change all the notifications to e-mail. Thank you.